Bill Buckels
2009-08-29 10:40:15 UTC
(Note that I've posted to 3 groups, but follow-ups should go to
Comm topics are regularly discussed in csa2.csa2.comm)
seem to creep into here as well... and of course ebay auctions.
For RFD you can also add, comp.os.mac, alt.comp.os.mac,comp.sys.apple2.usergroups
alt.sys.mac, comp.os.mac and many more if you wish.
20-something subscribers for each in Google Groups, compared to
400-something for csa2.
I don't much care for google groups and prefer using Outlook Express as my400-something for csa2.
news reader. It is entirely possible (but unlikely) that the type of person
who likes to use google groups also doesn't like to bother with sub
groups,,, but a more relevant point is that non-barney-googlers may also be
subscribed to those RFD suggestions of yours so the numbers may be greater.
Also even alt.comp.cygwin sees no posts despite its newness and relevance so
maybe usenet itself will eventually be an RFD target.
I then put it to you...
1. is it better to consolidate all posts into one general group or
2. keep things of a like kind in their own place or
3. will it matter in the end?
4. all of the above?
PS - If someone calls me a clown again for suggesting that the appropriate
subgroups be used
they will also be called a clown.